Ninja Scroll Wiki

The Eight People of Kimon (鬼門八人衆, Kimon Hachinin-shū), also known as the Eight Devils of Kimon, are eight demonic ninjas with supernatural powers, seven of which were gathered under Genma Himuro's leadership after he reincarnated himself from Jūbei's ambush, and appear to serve under the Shogun of the Dark.


The Eight People of Kimon are supernaturally gifted humans. They are not the only men in the Shogun of the Dark's forces, but are certainly the strongest of them. Genma Himuro is the only one whose past and origin was shown. The rest of the demonic ninjas' past are unknown. Even although it wasn't shown all the members interacting together, at least some of them hold murderous grudges toward others, which causes them more than one defeat.


Genma Himuro[]

Main article: Genma Himuro

The leader of the Eight People of Kimon and the last ninja to be defeated. Genma is a powerful ninja master who formerly served under the Yamashiro Clan and was decapitated by Jūbei prior to the film's events. By using a ninpo magic he mastered control of his body down to every single cell, allowing him to reconnect any and all severed body parts, even his head. Genma can also shapeshift as a side effect of his mastery of his entire body. He can't be killed due to his immortality, but is instead encased in molten gold and trapped at the bottom of the ocean for eternity.


Main article: Tessai

The first ninja to be defeated, he is an incredibly large man who has the ability to turn his skin as hard as rock and fights with a double-bladed sword, which he is capable of throwing great distances. He is essentially invulnerable until his stone skin falls apart as a result of him being poisoned by Kagerō while trying to rape her.


Main article: Benisato

The second ninja to be defeated, she is a seductive woman who has snake tattoos all over her body that can come to life, and can summon a larger quantity of snakes to envelope her victims, as well as shed her skin. She is killed by Yurimaru after she failed to kill Jūbei, but also because of Yurimaru's jealousy towards her for being Genma's lover.


Main article: Mushizō

The third ninja to be defeated, he is a hunchbacked monk warrior who holds a hornet's nest in his back, is able to control these insects to do his bidding, can shoot out a needle from his throat and wields a two-pronged spear. He is killed by Jūbei in a fight under water when the hornets try to escape from the water, fatally stinging their master.

Mujūrō Utsutsu[]

Main article: Mujūrō Utsutsu

The fourth ninja to be defeated, he is a blind swordsman who challenges Jūbei to a fight to the death. He is an incredibly skilled swordsman, having an uncanny hearing ability to engage his enemy as well blinding his enemy by reflecting light from his sword. He is apparently the only Kimon ninja without supernatural powers. He is killed by Jūbei during a sword duel which he loses due to Kagerō's sword blocking his own, which he could not hear, making it seem like Jūbei had both blocked and attacked at the same time.


Main article: Shijima

The fifth ninja to be defeated, he is a skilled shadow warrior who has the ability to merge into the shadows, create clones of himself, fire a large metallic claw from his hand and even possess peoples' minds. He is killed by Jūbei during his rescue of Kagerō, whom Shijima had hypnotized to try to kill Jūbei, when Jūbei throws his sword into the shadows just as Shijima attempts to hide in them.


Main article: Yurimaru

The sixth ninja to be defeated and the right hand of Genma. Yurimaru has the ability of generate electricity from his body, and would combine with a steel wire that wraps around his target's neck to conduct the electricity. Zakuro "accidentally" blows him up during his fight with Jūbei, most likely because of her hatred towards him after Yurimaru rejected her.


Main article: Zakuro

The seventh ninja to be defeated. She is in love with Yurimaru, who instead loves Genma (Genma is apparently bisexual, as he apparently sleeps with both Yurimaru and Benisato); by this end, she is very vengeful and took revenge against Yurimaru for rejecting her. Zakuro has the ability to manipulate gunpowder, and plants them inside living or dead organisms, having them move as explosive traps. She is killed by Dakuan and Jūbei on the ship when they ignite her gunpowder body.
